why is my bath water blue

Why Is My Bath Water Blue? – Everything You Should Know

Have you ever stepped into your bathtub, only to be greeted by a surprising shade of blue water? It’s like diving into a mysterious ocean, but without the exotic fish and coral reefs.

Well, fear not, for there is a logical explanation behind this aquatic enigma. In this discussion, we will unravel the secrets of why your bath water has taken on a vibrant blue hue.

So, let’s embark on this journey together, as we uncover the fascinating reasons behind this captivating phenomenon.

Key Takeaways

  • The most common cause of blue or green bathwater is elevated levels of copper, which can occur due to corroded copper pipes or new copper pipes.
  • Colored bath products, such as bath bombs or bubble bath, can also be the cause of the unusual color.
  • Lighting and reflection off bathtub or bathroom tiles can sometimes make the water appear blue.
  • Algae growth in the water heater or hot water tank can be a rare cause of blue or green bathwater.

Copper in the Water

If you’re experiencing blue or green bathwater, one possible explanation is corroded copper pipes. Over time, copper pipes can corrode and release copper into the water, resulting in a tinted color. This is more likely if you live in an older home or if your plumbing hasn’t been updated recently.

Additionally, if you’ve recently had new copper pipes installed, the initial water flow can pick up excess copper from soldering flux, although this should clear up as the pipes become coated with a protective layer.

Corroded copper pipes

Corroded copper pipes can be a common cause of blue or green tinted bathwater, especially in older homes or if plumbing hasn’t been updated in a while. This discoloration occurs when copper pipes corrode and release copper into the water.

To prevent this issue, regular copper pipe maintenance is essential. If you suspect corroded pipes, consider copper pipe replacement to eliminate the risk of water discoloration and potential health risks associated with elevated copper levels.

To prevent copper pipe corrosion, it’s important to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the pipes. Additionally, ensuring proper water pH levels and implementing corrosion prevention techniques can help maintain the integrity of copper pipes.

Regular testing of water quality can help identify and address any copper pipe-related issues promptly.

New copper pipes

After addressing the issue of corroded copper pipes and the potential for blue or green tinted bathwater, it’s important to now focus on the impact of new copper pipes on the water quality.

While there are advantages to using copper pipes, such as their durability and resistance to corrosion, there are also some disadvantages to consider. One potential disadvantage is the initial release of excess copper into the water when new copper pipes are installed. However, this is usually temporary and will improve as the pipes develop a protective layer.

To properly maintain copper pipes, it’s important to regularly check for any signs of corrosion and address them promptly. Additionally, considering alternatives to copper pipes, such as plastic or PEX piping, can help mitigate potential health risks associated with copper pipes.

Colored Bath Products

Colored bath products, such as bath bombs, bath salts, or bubble bath, can sometimes be the cause for the unusual blue or green tint in your bathwater. These products often contain artificial coloring agents that can impact the color of your bathwater. While they may create a visually appealing experience, there are some considerations to keep in mind.

why does my bath water look blue

  • Impact of artificial coloring: Artificial coloring agents can create vibrant hues in your bathwater, but they aren’t without consequences. They can potentially cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in some individuals.

  • Environmental concerns with colored bath products: The artificial dyes used in these products can be harmful to the environment. When they’re washed down the drain, they can pollute water sources and harm aquatic life.

  • Alternatives to colored bath products: If you’re concerned about the impact of artificial coloring, there are alternative bath products available that use natural ingredients for color, such as botanical extracts or essential oils.

  • Safety considerations for using colored bath products: It’s important to read the labels and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when using colored bath products. This will help ensure that you use them safely and avoid any potential adverse effects.


To determine if lighting is the cause of the blue bathwater, consider the way light reflects off the bathtub or bathroom tiles. The color perception of water can be influenced by both natural and artificial lighting.

Blue light, in particular, can have an effect on the appearance of water. When natural light enters the bathroom, it can interact with the water surface and create a blue reflection. Similarly, artificial lighting, such as fluorescent or LED lights, can also affect the color perception of the water. The intensity and angle of the light can play a role in how the water appears.

It’s important to note that the reflection of light off the bathtub or tiles doesn’t change the actual color of the water, but rather our perception of it.

Algae Growth

If you suspect that the blue or green color of your bathwater isn’t due to lighting or colored bath products, it may be worth considering the possibility of algae growth in your water heater or hot water tank.

Algae growth can occur in your water heater or hot water tank if the conditions are right, and it can cause the water to take on a blue or green tint. Signs of algae growth include a slimy or slippery feeling to the water, a foul odor, or visible algae particles.

If you suspect algae growth, it’s important to have your water heater serviced by a qualified plumber to address the issue. Prevention methods include regular maintenance and cleaning of your water heater or hot water tank. Algae growth can have potential effects on health, including skin irritation or infection if the water is contaminated.

Treatment options typically involve cleaning and disinfecting the water heater or hot water tank to remove the algae. Common sources of algae growth can include stagnant water, high humidity, and lack of proper maintenance.

What to Do Next

why is my bath water blue

Consider taking appropriate action based on the specific cause of the blue or green tint in your bathwater. Here are some steps you can take depending on the possible causes:

Water testing optionsIf you suspect copper in your water, get it tested for copper levels by contacting your local water authority or a water quality testing lab.
Preventing copper corrosionTo prevent copper pipes from corroding, consider replacing old pipes with newer ones or installing a protective coating.
Alternatives to colored bath productsIf you think bath products are causing the color, try using colorless alternatives like unscented bath salts or natural ingredients such as oatmeal or coconut oil.
Natural lighting optionsIf the color is due to lighting, try using curtains or blinds to block direct sunlight or adjust the bathroom lighting to minimize the reflection of blue or green colors.
Preventing algae growthTo prevent algae growth, regularly clean and maintain your water heater or hot water tank, ensuring that water does not sit stagnant for prolonged periods.

Video CreditsThis Old House

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